Dr. Daniel Olukoya Warns That Unhappiness Makes You Vulnerable to Enemy Attacks

Dr. Daniel Olukoya, General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM), has issued a powerful warning about the spiritual dangers of unhappiness....CONTINUE READING>>>
During a recent sermon, he stressed that a sad or troubled heart creates an opening for the enemy to attack. “If you are not happy, if you are sad, you have already made an air space for the enemy to land,” Dr. Olukoya stated, referencing Philippians 4:4: “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!”
He emphasized that happiness is a conscious choice, not dependent on external circumstances. “It didn’t say be happy when you have money, but no matter what you are going through, rejoice in the Lord,” he explained. Despite life’s challenges, he urged believers to actively choose joy.
Dr. Olukoya warned that sadness can have serious spiritual consequences. “Crying and weeping invite a spirit we call the melancholic spirit, which attacks people,” he said. He further cautioned that a troubled heart becomes vulnerable to demonic influence, noting, “Once your heart is troubled, you make it a candidate for habitation of devils.”
Describing sadness as a spiritual drought, he added, “A sad person cannot draw water from the well of salvation.” Dr. Olukoya encouraged Christians to cultivate joy as a way to protect their hearts and frustrate the devil’s schemes.
By maintaining a joyful spirit, he concluded, believers can make the devil “hate” them, as joy and trust in God serve as a shield against spiritual attacks.