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As a Heart Surgeon, Here’s What You Need to Know About Eggs, Heart Health, and Your Well-Being



As A Heart Surgeon, Here'S What You Need To Know About Eggs, Heart Health, And Your Well-Being

Dr. Jeremy London, a cardiovascular surgeon, weighs in on the ongoing debate about eggs and heart health. He explained that eggs, once considered a major heart risk, have been re-evaluated in recent years. ...CONTINUE READING>>>

The American Heart Association (AHA) initially criticized eggs for their cholesterol content, but recent data has shown that dietary cholesterol doesn’t affect overall cholesterol levels as much as previously thought.

As A Heart Surgeon, Here'S What You Need To Know About Eggs, Heart Health, And Your Well-Being

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, vitamins (like D and B12), and minerals (such as selenium and choline), making them a valuable part of a heart-healthy diet. Dr. London clarified that a whole egg per day is generally acceptable for healthy adults, and up to two eggs daily can be included for older adults with normal cholesterol levels.

He emphasized the importance of considering an individual’s overall diet rather than focusing on a single food item. He also mentioned that free-range eggs may offer some advantages due to the diet and environment of the chickens.

As A Heart Surgeon, Here'S What You Need To Know About Eggs, Heart Health, And Your Well-Being

Dr. London noted that the yolk provides the majority of the nutritional benefits, though adding egg whites can boost protein content.

Ultimately, Dr. London advised his followers to listen to their bodies and tailor their diet based on personal health needs.

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