Chuck Woolery, the iconic game show host best known for “The Love Connection,” has passed away at the age of 83. His death was announced by...
The situation involving Bobrisky has stirred considerable attention online, following claims that the controversial crossdresser is residing in a refugee camp in Amsterdam, despite previously portraying...
Daniel Bwala, the newly appointed Special Adviser on Media and Public Communications, has raised alarm about what he believes to be a conspiracy against him by...
The Dangote Petroleum Refinery has announced a reduction in the ex-depot price of premium motor spirit (PMS), or petrol, to N970 per litre for oil marketers....
Thaddeus Atta, the Labour Party (LP) representative for Eti-Osa Federal Constituency in the 10th House of Representatives, has sparked rumors of a potential defection to the...
According to a video that was shared by Channels TV on Sunday, one of the members of the House of Representatives and spokesman of the Coalition...
Manchester United’s new manager, Ruben Amorim, has included 16-year-old defender Godwill Kukonki in the squad for their Premier League match against Ipswich Town on Sunday. This...
In a candid interview, renowned Adamawa politician Umar Bello Jada, popularly known as “Calculate,” optimistically projected the future of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the...
A governance and accountability group on the platform of Association of Ebonyi Indigenes Socio-Cultural in the Diaspora, (AEISCID) has cautioned Governor Francis Nwifuru-led administration not stifling...
The Dangote Petroleum Refinery has raised concerns over insufficient crude oil supplies under Nigeria’s naira-for-crude initiative. Vice President Devakumar Edwin stated that while the Nigerian National...