Lagos involves 200 religious leaders in addressing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

The Lagos State Government, via the Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency (DSVA), has enlisted 200 religious leaders to address Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), emphasizing the pivotal role of religious clerics in both preventing and responding to this pervasive issue....CONTINUE READING>>>
With her presentation on the relevant laws on Domestic and Sexual Violence in Lagos State, the Executive Secretary DSVA, Mrs Titilola Vivour-Adeniyi opened the day’s discussion with the consideration of the Protection Against Domestic Violence Law, 2015, the Criminal law of Lagos State, 2015 ( as amended) as well as the Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency Law, 2021.
She explained that the invited participants were made to comb through the laws, in order to learn the intricacies of the document and to know that one of the major aims of the Domestic Violence law is to prevent domestic violence from happening and that could be achieved through a restraining order granted by the court.
“The truth is that Sexual and Gender-Based Violence is not a respecter of age, class, grade or religion. Indeed, anybody can perpetrate it and anyone can also become a victim, so it is important to engage religious leaders from this perspective.
“We know sometimes you serve as first responders whenever issues of Gender-Based violence are reported. it is therefore important for us to let you know the relevant laws that exist and support services available that your congregation can take advantage of anytime the need arises,” she said.
Vivour-Adeniyi added that there are 22 specialised police stations in the state that could be reached on issues of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence, while informing the participants that the High Courts and Magistrate Courts that have criminal jurisdiction are the appropriate courts that can grant a restraining/protection order against an abusive partner/spouse.
She took the participants through the different sexual Offences related sections in the criminal law, including section 261 which is on sexual assault by penetration and 137 which is about unlawful sexual intercourse with a child that attracts life imprisonment without option of fines, among others.
According to her “We have Protection Against Domestic Violence law 2015 as amended, that law basically seeks to prevent reoccurrence of violence by encouraging survivors to approach the court and obtain what is called protection or restraining order. We also have the Criminal Law of Lagos state which is to regulate criminal conduct.”
The Presiding Chaplain, Chapel of Christ the Light Lagos, Rev Oladele Ajayi said that the church has been and would continue to be at the forefront to ensure several marriages that are on the verge of collapsing are restored.
He said “The reality is that we have this problem around and as a pastor we have seen so many issues on domestic violence, either complaints by a wife or husband it could be emotional, financial or physical abuse, at some point we have to engage to the level of separation.
“We must continue to inform them about the laws of the land as well as the punishment that can be meted out against anyone who perpetrates any form of abuse and people should desist from stigmatising those that have come out to speak of being abused.”
The Chief Missioner Nasirullahi-li-Fathi society NASFAT, Imam Abdul Azeez Onike, said Islam preaches peace and tranquil ambience between couples and frowns at any act that can jeopardize peaceful coexistence among the people.