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“Nigerians cannot easily forget” Aisha Buhari who brutalised, jailed critic says



“Nigerians Cannot Easily Forget” Aisha Buhari Who Brutalised, Jailed Critic Says

Angered by Mr Muhammed’s criticism, Mrs Buhari unleashed the State Security Service (SSS) to arrest and illegally detain him for several weeks. CONTINUE READING>>>...CONTINUE READING>>>

First lady Aisha Buhari, who brutalised and illegally jailed Aminu Adamu Muhammed, a student of Federal University Dutse, for saying she grew fatter from feeding off public treasury, says Nigerians cannot forget her “easily.”

Mrs Buhari made this statement at a farewell dinner with her staff in the Villa on Friday.

“You are the brains behind my success in the last eight years. I pray that, what is ahead of you in future is more rewarding than what we have done in the last eight years,” said Mrs Buhari. “Because, without you, I wouldn’t have achieved what I have achieved so far and I think I am one of the first ladies that Nigerians can not forget easily.” 

In the eight years of her husband, President Muhammadu Buhari’s regime,  Mrs Buhari would be remembered for publicly criticising her husband, brutalising and jailing her critic. 

Mr Muhammed, in June 2022, posted a photo of Mrs Buhari on Twitter, saying the first lady had grown more weight from plundering Nigeria’s treasury while Nigeria suffered poverty.

Angered by Mr Muhammed’s criticism, Mrs Buhari unleashed the State Security Service (SSS) to arrest and illegally detain him for several weeks. CONTINUE READING>>>

Mrs Buhari, however, caved in under intense public criticism of her abuse of Mr Muhammed’srightst, forcing the SSS to release Mr Muhammed. 

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