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Pilot crashes his plane intentionally to get views on Youtube, faces 20 years in prison



Pilot Crashes His Plane Intentionally To Get Views On Youtube, Faces 20 Years In Prison

The flight that broke the laws to grow its popularity on social media. The pilot Trevor Jacobhe decided to crash his plane on purpose and then publish the video on Youtube and increase its views. Continue Reading>>>...CONTINUE READING>>>

But instead of becoming famous, he could face 20 years in prison for obstructing a federal investigation. He discovers the details of this case that he has not gone unnoticed by the Californian authorities and the world of social media.The video quickly reached 3 million views but also aroused the first suspicions of the authorities. In fact, Jacob had not attempted to call air traffic control, nor had he tried to restart the engine or look for a safe place to land

Three million views and the pilot’s suspected intention

Three million views on Youtube could cost pilot Trevor Jacob 20 years in prison who intentionally crashed his plane in November 2021 and then published the video on the platform and increase views. This episode, which caused uproar and outrage, exposed the distorted way in which social media and the Internet can influence people’s behavior. In this article we will analyze the episode that caused public opinion to be discussed and the legal consequences for the pilot.

Pilot Crashes His Plane Intentionally To Get Views On Youtube, Faces 20 Years In Prison

I crash

In November 2021, Jacob took off in a small single-engine plane equipped with cameras from Lompoc Airport in Southern California. After 35 minutes of flight he had parachuted, still filming himself with a video camera, in the Los Padres National Forest, before the crash of the aircraft. Continue Reading>>>

 Once he touched the ground, the pilot returned to the scene of the accident and recovered the video, which was then published on Youtube.

Pilot Crashes His Plane Intentionally To Get Views On Youtube, Faces 20 Years In Prison

Federal investigations

The authorities immediately launched an investigation to understand the causes of the crash. Suspicion was raised by the publication of the video on Youtube which revealed doubts about the nature of the accident. In fact, the pilot had not attempted to call air traffic control, nor had he tried to restart the engine or look for a safe place to land. 

These behaviors have raised doubts about the veracity of Jacob’s account and have led investigators to suspect that the pilot had deliberately caused the accident in order to publish the video on Youtube.

Pilot Crashes His Plane Intentionally To Get Views On Youtube, Faces 20 Years In Prison

The legal consequences

Jacob was arrested and is now on trial for obstructing a federal investigation and causing a plane crash. If convicted of all charges he could face a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. Continue Reading>>>

The story has aroused great indignation in public opinion and has raised the debate on the use of social media and digital platforms to gain visibility at any cost, even putting one’s own life and that of others at risk.

Pilot Crashes His Plane Intentionally To Get Views On Youtube, Faces 20 Years In Prison

An alarm bell

The case of Trevor Jacob is a prime example of how the pursuit of success on social media can lead to extreme and dangerous behavior. 

The publication of the video of the crash in which the aircraft lost its life was an irresponsible and illegal act that endangered not only the pilot but also many other people. 

The story represents a wake-up call on how it is necessary to better regulate the use of digital platforms and social media to preserve human dignity and safety.

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Aperoja Taofeek, known as Tao, is a blogger, developer, and the CEO of Trackloaded, a verified digital platform covering entertainment, news, and culture.