The recently evicted Big Brother Naija duo, Zion Ogiefa and Chinwe Elibe, known collectively as Zinwe, have shared that their time on the reality show positively...
Godwin Obaseki, Edo State Governor, has announced that the 6,000-capacity Edo Arena will be named after global Afrobeats star, Rema. Rema, who was in Benin for...
For the first time in history, WWE’s Friday Night SmackDown will be broadcast live from Germany, paving the way for the much-anticipated premium live event, “Bash...
Former members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Women Campaign Council have voiced their frustration and disappointment with President Bola Tinubu, citing a significant lack of...
Reports indicate that Ayilara died early Thursday morning at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH) in Ikeja. It is believed that he underwent surgery for...
Random Twitter user shared a conversation between a woman interested in buying a sex toy (dildo) and the vendor. According to the chat, the customer inquired...
Edozie Njoku, Chairman of the All Grand Progressives Alliance (APGA), has dismissed claims of being financially backed to disrupt party activities. He emphasized his financial independence,...
The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has instructed all its affiliates across the country to hold a peaceful prayer procession on August 29. This directive was communicated...
Nigerian music director and cinematographer, ThankGod Omori Smith, widely known as TG Omori or Boy Director, has disclosed that he experienced a failed kidney transplant. This...
Nigerian music director and cinematographer, ThankGod Omori Smith, widely known as TG Omori or Boy Director, has shared that his only brother recently donated a kidney...