Renowned for his extraordinary talent and distinctive musical style, UTek, also known as Badvibes, has made a triumphant comeback in 2024 with the highly anticipated hit...
Tyla’s “Butterflies” weaves a captivating melody, stirring profound emotions with its poetic verses. Employing the metaphor of “butterflies,” the song beautifully encapsulates the sensation of falling...
Commandant Joachim Okafor (centre) and other during the raid The Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in Niger Command apprehends four individuals for operating an...
Damo K’s latest EP, “Sorry I’m Deaf,” showcases a remarkable collaboration with the late Nigerian artist Mohbad. Explore and familiarize yourself with the lyrics of “Nibo”...
Giggs and Lojay Lyrics Highlighted as the thirteenth track on Giggs’ recently released album “Zero Tolerance,” “Halleluyah” features Lojay. Dive into the lyrics below to read...
King Rapsodi Lyrics Explore the catchy lyrics of “Ashawo,” the viral hit by Nigerian emerging artist King Rapsodi. Get ready to be captivated by the talent...
Chidinma and Buchi Lyrics With their enchanting musical collaboration, Chidinma and Buchi have created I’m In Love, a captivating song that skillfully explores themes and evokes intense emotions through its beautifully...
On Sunday, the Lagos State Government declared an immediate ban on the usage and distribution of Styrofoam and other single-use plastics within the State. This was...
Nigerian Dancehall sensation, Michael Adebayo Olayinka, widely known as Ruger, officially separates from Jonzing World, the label owned by D’Prince. The ‘Asiwaju’ hitmaker on Sunday announced...
Fazil and Lasmid Lyrics Embark on a poetic journey through the narrative and emotions of the song with the remix of “Fiona” by Fazil featuring Lasmid....