Renowned Afrobeat star Wizkid has once again displayed his generosity by gifting his close associate, Femmy, a sleek white Mercedes-Benz. This follows a similar gesture in...
In a remarkable display of mutual respect between two Nigerian music icons, K1 De Ultimate, the legendary Fuji maestro, paid a heartfelt tribute to Wizkid during...
The smooth collaboration between Wizkid and Brent Faiyaz, Piece of My Heart, has reached a significant milestone, surpassing 100,000 units sold in the United States. This...
Discover the captivating lyrics of Wizkid song “*Pray.” Dive into the rhythmic blend of Afrobeat and heartfelt emotions as Wizkid delivers a soulful performance. [Verse 1]Ọmọ, na long...
The excitement is building as two of Nigeria’s biggest musical icons, Wizkid and Burna Boy, are set to headline the highly anticipated Greater Lagos Fest at the Tafawa Balewa...
On December 26, 2024, pop star Wizkid sparked attention with a rare social media post expressing love for Olamide, also known as Baddo. Wizkid’s tweet, “Love...
Explore the lyrics of Wizkid’s energetic track “Bend.” A perfect mix of Afrobeat grooves and catchy hooks, this song showcases Wizkid’s signature style and vibrant delivery....
Discover the captivating lyrics of Wizkid song “Break Me Down.” Dive into the rhythmic blend of Afrobeat and heartfelt emotions as Wizkid delivers a soulful performance....
“Piece of My Heart” by Wizkid featuring Brent Faiyaz is a mellow song about love and emotional connection. The lyrics reflect the feelings of giving and...
“Time” by Wizkid is the 5th song on Morayo Album, dive into the lyrics highlight the importance of staying grounded and cherishing meaningful relationships while navigating...