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What Wearing a Ring on Each of Your Fingers Actually Means



What Wearing A Ring On Each Of Your Fingers Actually Means

The true love that girls have for rings is no mystery but is really a well-established reality. As well as anklet bracelets, diamond earrings, and neck items, many women around the globe have a fetish for wedding rings. CONTINUE READING…...CONTINUE READING>>>

From trendy and big, too fragile, skinny, and stone studded ones, rings can be found in an amazing array. As an ornament, we all wear rings in different fingers generally depending on the way they look. But have you noticed the reason why a wedding ring is actually worn only on the particular ring finger in many ethnicities? Does wearing any ring on a specific finger symbolize something more?


Your thumb signifies the strength of will, and it is one of the most standalone of all fingers. This finger is actually associated with the inner self of any individual. If you’ve been told to use any ring on this particular finger, you’ll have to be specifically alert to all the new changes that happen in your daily life. The ring would certainly help to improve your self-control. Recommended gemstones for your thumb are usually ruby and garnet.

Pointer Finger (Jupiter)

The pointer finger signifies power, authority, and aspirations. This finger is regarded as to signify a certain sort of strength. It was especially seen in the early times when powerful leaders wore men’s cross ring on their pointer finger. Therefore, using a ring on this particular finger would help you have a surge in this direction. Recommended stones for the pointer finger are Natural Blue Sapphire and amethyst.

Middle Finger (Saturn)

Your middle finger symbolizes personality, and it is associated with the purpose in your life. In the middle, it is a symbol of a healthy life. Wearing any ring on this finger is needed you to add a good balance to your daily life. It makes it possible for a person to know the difference between wrong and right. Recommended stones for this middle finger are usually coral and quartz.

Ring Finger (Apollo)

This ring finger is the 4th finger. Finger of your left-hand features a direct relationship with your heart. For that reason, your wedding ring is actually donned on this finger. Additionally, it signifies inner thoughts (love) and creative imagination in any person. Wearing any ring on your right hand is needed you to be positive in your daily life. Recommended gemstones for your ring finger are usually jade and moonstone.

Little Finger (Mercury)

This little finger signifies human relationships. This particular finger about interactions with the world outside in comparison to the thumb. It shows the perspective towards other people. Wearing any ring on this particular finger will help to improve romantic relationships when it comes to marital life, and help to improve business interactions at the same time. It can also help to improve a person’s mental attitude for better. Creativity is part of psychological and material items. Recommended gemstones for your little finger are usually ruby and citrine. CONTINUE READING…

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