Police Kill Leader of Notorious Kidnap Gang in Gun Battle During Abduction Plot in Abuja The Force Public Relations Officer, Olumuyiwa Adejobi, announced on Wednesday via...
Former Big Brother Naija housemate Henry Olisaemeka Orakwu, popularly known as Groovy, accuses Grammy organizers of cheating Wizkid out of an award in 2022 despite his...
Marine Police operatives in Bonny, Rivers State, have apprehended several suspected sea pirates who made an attempt to hijack a boat on the Bonny waterways. The...
According to reports, Courtney Clenney, a former OnlyFans model currently awaiting trial for the alleged murder of her Nigerian boyfriend, allegedly threatened to burn down a...
Police operatives in Edo State have announced the successful rescue of nine members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) from a kidnappers’ hideout. The victims, who...
On Tuesday, an FCT High Court ordered the remand of Olaniyi Adegboro in Kuje Corrections Centre for allegedly stabbing ASP Ayuba Zakari to death. The police...
The suspect said he wishes to meet the cleric face-to-face, to beg for his forgiveness. A suspect arrested over the deadly attack on the convoy of...
A 49-year-old woman was arrested on Friday, June 23, by men of the Lagos State Police Command for allegedly trying to steal a day-old baby from...
Detectives from the Bayelsa State Vigilante organization in Yenagoa successfully rescued a student from Federal University Otueke who had been attacked and robbed by a known...
The State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department of the Ekiti State Police Command have detained an army officer, whose name is withheld and a woman for allegedly causing...